Optimising Blade Deformation Measurements in a Rotating System - Rotor Test Rig MERIT
- Institut
- Lehrstuhl für Hubschraubertechnologie
- Typ
- Masterarbeit
- Inhalt
- experimentell
- Beschreibung
The MERIT test rig is a whirl tower featuring an 85kW motor and constant-rpm control, along with a wide array of sensory equipment capable of measuring rotor blade behaviour in a rotating system for a variety of extreme flight conditions. The most novel technology being implemented for data collection is the GOM ARAMIS SRX Optical sensor setup, combined with their Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Software, allowing us to measure the blade‘s deformation profile during operation. While this has been trialled as a proof of concept, the data is still unreliable and inaccurate.
Project Outline:
The DIC software functions by recognising hyper-reflective stickers stuck onto the surface of the blade, however, until this point, the constellations of stickers used have been randomly generated by eye, meaning they are frequently either recognised incorrectly or not at all; and it’s not known which parameters (RPM, Collective Pitch, Measurement Distance etc) are the dominant factors that affect this. The first stage of the investigation would involve identifying which point constellations are optimal for our setup in the rotating system. That knowledge would then be put into practice, and a blade would be instrumented using those optimised constellations. Work is currently under way investigating the possibility of laminating these reflectors directly into the blade's structure - if that is successful, an entirely new blade would be manufactured in house with the optimised constellations integrated into the blades themselves; a process you would be fully involved in. That blade would then be used for investigations into aerodynamic behaviour - in particular dynamic stall, which is the focus of an upcoming conference paper.
- Voraussetzungen
Primarily: the ability to think creatively and proactively come up with solutions, and work your way into a topic independently.
Understanding of Rotor systems required; experience with DIC ideal but not necessary.
- Möglicher Beginn
- sofort
- Kontakt
Matti Mitropoulos
Raum: MW2701
matti.mitropoulostum.de - Ausschreibung