Determination of the Technical Potential of Roof Top PV in Germany

Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme
Masterarbeit /
theoretisch /  

As part of the ‘H2-Reallabor Burghausen’, potentials for the sustainable transformation of the Bavarian
ChemDelta are being determined. A particular focus is on CO2-neutral energy and material
flow supply. Electrical energy from photovoltaics (PV) on roofs is one major contributor to sustainable
Based on a literature research on current regulations for the construction and operation of PV on
roofs, a data collection of relevant criteria for the identification of possible PV construction sites in
Germany is carried out. With this data, a spatially resolved model is implemented using geo-information
data (GIS). Based on this, the current geographical and regulatory potential of roof top PV
in Germany is determined. The whole model is designed to be easily adaptable in the event of
changes in legislation. Based on the geographical potential, a spatially resolved calculation and
visualisation of the technical potential is carried out. In addition to the current technical potential,
a methodology is developed that includes future developments and potentials up to 2050.
The work is rounded off with a detailed discussion of the spatial distribution of the potentials and
a description of future obstacles and drivers.

Working packages:

  • Literature research
  • Collection of relevant spatially and temporally resolved data
  • Development and implementation of a potential modell via Python
  • Discussion of the final potential map
  • Experience with Python
  • Experience with Geoinformation data is preferable but not necessary


This thesis can be written both in English and in German.

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Alina Kerschbaum, M.Sc.
Raum: 3712
Tel.: +49 89 289 16312