Full Throttle Vision: Vehicle detection for autonomous racing

Lehrstuhl für Fahrzeugtechnik
Semesterarbeit / Masterarbeit /
experimentell /  

Autonomous driving is a fast-moving research discipline. At the moment, most of the research community’s attention is centered on public streets. However autonomous racing provides a few benefits for research: High-speed driving uncovers a different set of problems than the usual public road scenes. At the same time, the closed track allows for testing new algorithms without safety concerns for the public. The Chair of Automotive Technology competes in the Indy Autonomous Challenge where autonomous Dallara vehicles race against each other at speeds exceeding 250 km/h. At these hight speeds, perception algorithms need to detect other vehicles faster and more accurately to precisely determine other vehicles movements. The lower the delay from sensor to detection, the less compensation needs to be done for the delay and more accurate measurements can be used in the rest of the software stack. However, current deep-learning approaches don’t focus on latency primarly, which is why they can be relatively slow (>100ms). The goal for this term paper is the research the current state-of-the-art of accelerating deep-learning algorithms and benchmark these solutions against the current LiDAR-detection approach used by the chair for autonomous racing.

  • Research into low-latency perception algorithms
  • Research into accelerating deep-learning algorithms (e.g. using Torch Optimization, TensorRT)
  • Development of a low-latency LiDAR perception pipeline
  • Benchmarking against current approach used by the chair and state-of-the-art

Currently OpenPCDet is being used for vehicle detection, however newer approaches are provided by MMDet3D or specifically DSVT.

It will be your task to integrate our dataset into these new libraries, train networks and evaluate them on real world data.


Requirements for this thesis are:

  • Experience with Python and especially PyTorch
  • Highly motivated to experiment and try different things
  • Some experience with Deep Learning Algorithms
  • Knowledge about autonomous driving preferable
  • Experience with ROS 2 and Docker are a bonus

If you are interested, this thesis can also be completed as part of the TUM Autonomous Motorsport team, where you will get the chance to work on a fully autonomous software stack that competes in multiple challenges around the world.

FTM Studienarbeit, FTM AV, FTM Ebner
Möglicher Beginn
Dominic Ebner, M.Sc.
Raum: MW3510
Tel.: +