Investigating the Potential of Demand-Side Flexibility in a Sector-Coupled Energy System

Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme
Semesterarbeit / Masterarbeit /
theoretisch /  

For Germany to reach climate neutrality by 2045, a comprehensive transformation of the energy-intensive industry is necessary. In these industries, heat and electricity generation on site are mainly based on fossil fuels. Direct and indirect electrification will play an important role in covering these requirements in the future in a CO2-neutral manner. However, rising electricity demands will pressure the electricity grid and storage infrastructure. As a counterpart to this, demand-side flexibility can be a practical solution for the residential, transport, and industrial sectors.

In this Master Thesis, the potential of demand-side flexibility focusing on the energy-intensive chemical industry will be investigated and compared with the potentials of the private and transport sectors. To do so, the Python-based energy system modeling tool PyPSA will be used to build up a representative model of Germany covering electricity, heat, and base chemical demands, taking into account the private, industry, and transportation sectors. Furthermore, grid capacities for neighboring countries to import or export energy are considered. Different technologies to meet the demands will be added to the system. In addition, storage technologies are included. By varying the maximum flexibility of each sector-specific demand, its influence on the optimized sector-coupled system can be determined. Supplementary, a global sensitivity study may be carried out to identify the most influential parameters of the system. 

Work packages:   

  • Familiarization with PyPSA and the existing model of an ideal chemical park
  • Implementing the model of Germany with its neighboring countries
  • Investigating the potential of flexible demands for the different sectors
  • Global Sensitivity study to identify the most influential parameters




  • Python knowledge is strongly recommended
Möglicher Beginn
Maximilian Kerschbaum, M.Sc.
Raum: 3737
Tel.: (089) 289 16342