On the use of spyder elements in structural dynamics: from finite elements to real-world experiments

Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mechanik
Bachelorarbeit / Semesterarbeit / Masterarbeit /
experimentell / theoretisch /  

Are you interested in deepening your knowledge/experience of structural dynamics?

Do you know how common the use of so-called "spyder elements" is as a reduction of interface degrees of freedom in component assembly?

Mastering interface reduction in finite elements AND real experiments is crucial!


- Literature study about the use of common spyder elements in structural dynamics (RBE2, RBE3, VPT)
- Investigation, derivation and interpretation of commonalities and differences between the techniques
- Setting a benchmark in a finite element and experimental scenario for the implementation and comparison of the techniques
- Evaluation on usability, advantages and disavdantages of the techniques 
- optional: study of alternative interface reductions with numerical and experimental applications


You have the opportunity to learn at the best Chair of TUM! :) 


- experience in Matlab or Python

- knowledge about finite elements (preferably experience with Abaqus)

- knowledge/interest in structural dynamics


Want to know more?


Please send a short letter of motivation indicating

- your motivation and qualification for this task

by e-mail to:


Möglicher Beginn
Francesco Trainotti
Raum: MW 3141
Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 15216