Development of a Reconfigurable Rocket Engine Control System Framework including Frequency Response Feedback

Lehrstuhl für Raumfahrtantriebe
Bachelorarbeit / Semesterarbeit / Masterarbeit /
theoretisch /  


Traditionally, liquid rocket engines control systems are based on a closed control loop with feedback of different physical signals to maintain a certain load point by adapting the actuators, namely valves. In recent years, the demand for reusable and throttleable rocket engines has grown constantly. Associated with this are higher requirements in terms of component lifetime as well as an extended operational envelope of the engine, which brings along engine instabilities. Having a robust control system being able to control engines in a wide operational envelope and cope with ageing effects is crucial to allow new mission profiles.
The goal of the underlying research project is to develop a reconfigurable control system based on frequency response by means of model-based design (from Model in the Loop to Hardware in the Loop) to allow agile development. Eventually, this control system will be implemented on the AIREP (AIrborne REsearch Platform; similar to the Figures in the attached PDF), a 6DOF free flying Hopper propelled by a hot gas engine.

The scope of this thesis therefore comprises to establish a Model in the Loop framework for a reconfigurable control system. This control system framework will be able to exploit commonly used feedback signals (mass flow, pressure, and temperature) but also frequency response signals from various components. By using frequency response signals, the expectation is that the onset of instabilities can be predicted and counteracted actively.

The tasks break down into

  • Literature research on control systems and frequency signal characteristics linked to rocket engines

  • Development of a Model in the Loop framework

    • Decision on an implementation environment

    • Implementation of an engine model

    • Implementation of the control system, including the engine model

  • Verification of the control system functionality

  • Documentation and presentation of results

This task is published for a while already. This exact topic is not available anymore. But if the scope of the project and topic is interesting to you, feel free to reach out. I do supervise regularly supervise theses on certain aspects of this topic

  • Great interest in Rocket Engines (knowledge from lectures beneficial)

  • Mechanical Engineering / Aerospace / Electrical Engineering Student

  • Strong interest in System Modelling and Control Systems

  • Programming Skills in Matlab/Simulink or Python 

  • Self-reliant working attitude

  • Motivation to work in a team with agile development techniques

Möglicher Beginn
Felix Ebert