The Circular Car! Circular Economy and its Potential for the Automotive Industry

Lehrstuhl für Fahrzeugtechnik
Bachelorarbeit / Semesterarbeit /

“Our house is on fire!” With these word, Greta Thunberg emphasized the urgent need for our society to radically shift to more sustainable ways of consumption and production. As the Institute of Automotive Technology (FTM), we consider it as our task to rethink the vehicle itself and the modes of individual mobility it enables its users. This can mean to deviate from a known path and emerge in venues that have been doomed to be seen as too complex, too expensive or would require too much reeducation for the user of modern cars.

The circular economy paradigm has gained increasing attention from the industry and scholars alike. It is common sense, that circularity requires multiple stakeholders to work together to unlock its full potential. Automotive OEM’s struggle with this complexity and demand for a proof of concept. At FTM, we want to tap into this area of research and develop test scenarios for the most impactful factors for circular vehicles.

You will be dedicating your thesis to identify the building blocks and metrics for such a complex product-service system concept. Therefore, you will work on the following tasks:

  • Identification and categorization of major challenges for circularity in the current automotive industry based in literature and industry research.
  • Development of a metric for circularity along the vehicle life cycle, components and materials
  • Quantification of the economic potential for circularity
  • Development of a proofof-concept scenario for a circular car



- You have a strong interest in our mutual transition to a more sustainable future
- You want to work in a team and challenge your own ideas constantly
- Sound understanding of vehicles and its components


Join a team of enthusiast working on the future of cars.

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FTM Studienarbeit, FTM Fahrzeugkonzepte, FTM Pizzinini, FTM Informatik
Möglicher Beginn
Clemens Pizzinini, M.Sc.