Background: The MERIT test rig is a whirl tower featuring an 85kW motor and constant-rpm control, featuring a wide array of sensory equipment capable of measuring rotor blade behaviour in a rotating system for a variety of extreme flight conditions. Its semi-permanent location is inside a protective housing as a safety precaution, and while some of this can be cautiously removed, much of it is a requirement for all experiments. The effect this has on the performance of the test rig can be estimated, but an effective simulation to model this has never been created.
Project Outline: The mid-fidelity aerodynamic solvers UPM and DUST has previously been successfully used to model the freely rotating rotor blades, predicting key performance parameters such as thrust given desired input parameters, such as RPM and angle of attack. These results have been validated against experimental data, collected over a series of test campaigns. The next step would be to expand this model to include the effect of environmental factors, including the steel frame of the test rig, the cover (split into the aluminium skeleton and the corrugated mesh), the housing (split into wooden panels at rotor height, aluminium frame and corrugated mesh). From this the most relevant factors could be optimised to minimise the effect that the surroundings have on rotor performance.
Previous experience with aerodynamic solvers isn’t strictly required, but you’ll need to be prepared to spend some time getting familiar with the software.